



商业建筑项目的开始是一个非常复杂的过程,涉及大量的规划和执行,从概念到完成. 理解每个阶段, from project initiation and design to permitting, 建设, 最后的交接, is crucial for anyone stepping into the 商业建筑 空间.

我们设计了这个分步指南,以帮助更好地说明商业建设的复杂过程. We’ll discuss the essential phases that every project moves through, from the blueprint to unlocking the doors and walking in. 这个过程的核心是选择合适的总承包商, 角色Schonsheck公司. 已经掌握了几十年.

Commercial Building Initiation and 规划 Phase

建造一座商业建筑的旅程早在第一把铲子落地之前就开始了. It starts with a grand vision and a simple conversation. This is the stage where dreams begin to take shape, and the feasibility of those dreams is assessed on a practical level.

During the project initiation and planning phase, 客户与他们选择的商业建筑商会面,讨论商业建筑的范围和目标. They will also assess the feasibility of the project. 

Defining the Scope and Objectives of a Commercial Build

首先,您需要清楚地定义项目的范围和目标. This involves outlining the intended use of the building, 所需尺寸, 首选地点, and any specific design features or requirements. 这通常也是讨论项目预算和时间表的最佳时机, setting realistic expectations for what can be achieved, and contingencies for if it can’t.

Assessing the Feasibility of a Commercial Build

然后, 在大多数情况下, 可进行可行性研究,以评估项目的可行性, considering factors like zoning laws, 环境法规, and the suitability of the proposed site. 在进行任何重大投资之前,这项研究确保了该项目在法律上和实际上是可行的.

Commercial Building Design Phase

一旦完成了最初的计划和基础工作,项目就可以进入设计阶段. 这是将项目愿景变为现实的开始,涉及客户之间的密切合作, 架构师, 工程师, 并为商业建筑承包商制定详细的建筑方案和工程规范.


这个阶段还将看到客户的需求和目标转化为一套切实可行的计划. These plans will outline the building’s layout, 外观, 和功能, incorporating elements like 空间 utilization, 美学, and compliance with local 建筑规范 and regulations.


经常, in parallel with the architectural design, the engineering specialists will focus on the structural, 机械, 电, 和管道 aspects of the building. This includes determining the structural integrity of the design, the efficiency of the HVAC systems, 电气布局, 还有管道示意图, ensuring that the building will be safe, 功能, 和可持续发展.

Integration and Collaboration

The final step of the design stage is integration and collaboration. 这个阶段的一个关键特征是将各种设计元素集成到一个有凝聚力的计划中. 这通常需要使用先进的方法,如建筑信息建模工具来制作建筑的详细3D模型, 促进各方更好地决策和协调.

允许 and Approvals for Commercial Building

Once the design stage is complete, the most critical administrative phase can begin, 得到所有的 许可证和批准 to actually begin 建设 and carry out the project. 这对于确保项目符合所有当地规定至关重要, 状态, 以及联邦法规, 它可能是施工过程中最复杂的部分之一.

一般来说, 许可程序要求向相关政府机构提交详细的计划,以获得审查和批准, 包括建筑许可证, 土地使用许可证, 环境许可证, 以及根据项目的位置和范围需要的任何其他具体许可. Each permit has its own set of requirements and review processes, which can vary significantly depending on the jurisdiction.

许可程序固有的复杂性只会加强利用一个熟悉复杂情况的经验丰富的商业承包商的重要性 建筑规范 and 建设 regulations. 另外, 在很多情况下, 成功获得许可取决于项目团队和监管机构之间的有效协调和沟通. 这包括解决当局要求的任何问题或修改,并确保所有文件准确完整.

A 承包商 like Schonsheck, with a deep understanding of the regulatory landscape, can navigate these requirements efficiently, 尽量减少延误,并确保项目的各个方面都完全符合要求.


Following the issuance of permits, the 建设 phase can finally begin, marking the official physical realization of the project. 

建设 Stage 1: Preparing the Site

The first step in the 建设 phase is preparing the site, which may involve clearing land, 基坑施工, and ensuring the site is level and stable. 

建设 Stage 2: Laying the Foundation

下面的场地准备, 基础工作开始, laying the literal groundwork for a sturdy and durable structure.

建设 Stage 3: Erecting Structural Framework

With the foundation in place, the next step is to erect the structural framework, which forms the skeleton of the building. This includes the 建设 of floors, 墙, 和屋顶, followed by the installation of the building envelope, which protects the interior from the elements.

建设 Stage 4: Installing Internal Systems

Following the 建设 of the shell, 重点转移到使建筑功能的内部系统, 包括加热, 通风, 空调(HVAC), 电气系统, 和管道.


施工的最后阶段处理安装内部饰面,如干墙, 地板, 天花板, 及设施, transforming the structure into a finished 空间. 外部工作,包括景观美化和停车场建设,完成了项目.


With the main 建设 now winding down, 项目将进入最后阶段,正式完成并正式移交给客户. 这一阶段确保建筑的各个方面都符合预先制定的标准,并准备好使用或占用. 

Here’s a closer look at what’s involved in this final stage:

  • Final Inspections and Certifications: 之前交接, 我们进行了一系列的检查,以确保该建筑物符合所有建筑规范, 安全标准, 项目规范.
  • 打孔清单完成: “打孔清单”是在项目正式完成之前需要完成的最终任务和小修改的清单.
  • 最后的演练: A final walk-through is conducted with the client, 承包商, and often the architect or designer, 确保项目的各个方面满足客户的期望.
  • Handover and Documentation: Once all inspections are passed, punch list items are completed, and the final walk-through is satisfactory, the project is officially handed over, along with all necessary documentation, 包括保证, 维修手册, 以及操作指南.

Your Partner in 商业建筑

Choosing the right partners for this journey is paramount, and Schonsheck stands out as a beacon of reliability, 专业知识, and commitment in the 商业建筑 landscape. 对施工过程有全面的了解,并以客户为中心, Schonsheck不仅确保项目以最高标准完成,而且还反映了每个客户的独特愿景和需求. 

Schonsheck – Leading 总承包服务 in Wixom Michigan

无论你是着手一个新的建筑项目,还是寻求将现有的愿景变为现实, we’re ready to be your trusted partner in 商业建筑. 今天就在线cq9电子游戏爆分技巧 or call us at 248-985-7016 to discuss your needs.